I am really encouraged by your responses. Thanks.
I have also realized that I might have hurt some feelings when I went in to the historical origins of racism. So I am deleting that bit. The idea is to find meeting grounds. Not to point fingers but to shake hands. Not to answer racism with reverse racism but to expose how incongrous and unjust it is to judge a man by the colour of his skin.
So how can racism be fought?
There are very many well meaning people among the whites. Their support should be taken. Powerful and internationally mobile elites of the disadvantaged races should take up cudgels for their communities. Economic sanctions should be imposed through product boycotts. Martial training should be made a compulsory part of education.
Plus The laws and mores of the foreign land that you live in should be followed to the letter. Social etiquette and even the dress of the land that you are living in should be followed. I like wearing Kurta Pajama even when I am abroad but now I have decided that when in the West as far as possible I will dress like the Westerners. In our utterances too we should be careful e.g . some sections of our media often refers to Australians as Kangaroos. Not done.
Most importantly, to claim equality with the world we should first give it at home. Our behaviour towards less privileged fellow Indians should improve. Really, Equality begins at home. We should be kinder towards our people.
Aadmi ko aadmi banane ke liye chotti se ek prem kahani chahiye,
kaagaj pe likhne wali rosnaai nahi aankho me thoda sa paani chahiye.
A shadow of compassion should forever grace our eyes. Compassion for the down trodden, for the underdog wherever he is in the world.
Our condescension if any towards mongoloid and black people should go.
Another point, Success brings arrogance and arrogance brings failure.
The international recognition and applause that India is receiving should not go to our heads. As Vivek Sharma has said on Big Adda:
Parchhai se kad nahi naapte, Zindagi ki dhoop roj badalti hai
(One should not measure his height through his shadow. The angle of the Sun changes constantly)
Also our politicians should understand the alliances among nations and how they operate.Note how when India pointed fingers at racial attacks on Indians in Australia- within a fortnight Britain initiated its crack down on illegal Indian migrants in UK and USA issued a travel advisory against travel to India. Was that all a coincidence? May be not. If two weeks after that Ghulam Nabi Azad, our Health Minister has said, this week, that travel to USA should be reconsidered because of the threat of swine flu- is that a coincidence? I hope not. I hope it is a well calibrated, non-knee jerk tit for tat response. If yes it is really admirable. May ALL the deserving people of the world get their place under the Sun. May they ask for it.