Saint Kabir has been one of the most unique Indian poet – thinker. Kabir was a peak in spiritual consciousness. Let us explore his wisdom. Kabir is a man of candor. He has spoken extensively on the guru-shishya (teacher-student) relationship. In the whole world, I doubt if anyone has written so extensively on the teacher-student relationship as Kabir has. Most of his writings have been polluted by compilers. They wax eloquent about the guru. In the following verse, which having read him … [Read more...] about Poor teachers have readymade answers
Hospitalisation can spur enlightenment
In the last two pieces I have discussed how relevant is the advise of Chanakya given 2500 years ago both for parents and children of today. This mega mind also exhorted the Indian society to shed its hypocrisy as it makes India weak, inefficient and non credible. He says that a physically weak person develops a friendly nature. That is when you are physically weak you pose to be friendly because that is the only behavioral option you have. You can't be aggressive when you are physically weak. … [Read more...] about Hospitalisation can spur enlightenment
Belief must stand the test of wisdom
In my last two pieces I discussed how an overemphasis on spirituality can dilute action and how the so called spiritual gurus, often unknowingly, take you on a make-believe ride and make you miss life. Misdirected religion and spirituality can engender another problem. It can tie you up in rituals and superstition. You lose the power of differentiating the eternal teachings (Sanatana Dharma) from the temporal recommendations (Yug Dharma). For example Geeta says that you should resist evil and … [Read more...] about Belief must stand the test of wisdom
Chasing a Mirage Called Spirituality
Last week, I wrote about how too much focus on the sacred (spiritual) dilutes action. The blind pursuit of the spiritual also has other undesired effects. Let us see what these are. Alfred Hitchcock was once traveling by car with a friend. He suddenly pointed out of the car window and said, "That is the most frightening sight I have ever seen." His companion was surprised to see nothing more alarming than a priest in conversation with a little boy, his hand on the child's shoulder. "Run, little … [Read more...] about Chasing a Mirage Called Spirituality
Put Social Welfare Above Spirituality
One of the reasons why I was thrilled to receive the invitation to write for this column is its name, Sacred Bull. I love it. So in my first piece let me talk about two great men who in a somewhat similar style challenged the status of the sacred. The first was Confucius, who said, “To give one’s self earnestly to the duties due to men and while respecting spiritual beings, to keep aloof from them, this may be called wisdom”. Why does Confucius suggest that we keep aloof from spiritual … [Read more...] about Put Social Welfare Above Spirituality